Now offering telehealth counseling...that's cool, what is it?

Telehealth FAQs


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a term used to describe the delivery of healthcare services that includes the use of both video and audio connections.  These appointments occur with the use of the internet.  You can connect with your provider through using most devices that can connect to the internet and have a microphone and a camera. 

And yes, there’s an app for that!  You don’t need to download any special app’s if you don’t want to and you’ll still be able to connect with your provider, but more on that later. 

Are these sessions as effective as face to face appointments? 

Research shows that they can be just as effective as in-person appointments, and we can continue your care without interruption. If you're interested in scheduling a video appointment, let me know and we can discuss the details. 

What equipment do I need?

  • Desktop computer with webcam, speakers, 4 GB of RAM and a 2.5 GHz processor

  • Internet Connection of at least 10 mbps

  • Laptop computer with built-in webcam and speakers, 4 GB of RAM and a 2.5 GHz processor

  • Tablet with built-in webcam and speakers

  • Smartphone with at least Android 7.0 or iOS 10

    • In order to use your smartphone, you’ll must download the “Telehealth by SimplePractice” app. 


What Browser is supported?

  • For optimal results, please be sure you have the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome on your desktop/laptop

  • Android devices – use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox

  • iOS devices – use Safari

The day of the call:

If you’re using a laptop or computer:

  • Approximately 10 minutes prior to your appointment, you’ll receive an appointment reminder via email

  • Select the link in the appointment reminder.  *Note – You may have to copy and paste the link into your browser if selecting the link doesn’t automatically redirect you. 

  • Your video call screen will now open and you’ll enter an electronic waiting room

  • On the welcome screen, select “Play Test Sound” to ensure that your camera and microphone are working


If you’re using a smartphone or tablet:

  • Begin by downloading the “Telehealth by SimplePractice” app for iOS or Android devices

  • Approximately 10 minutes prior to your appointment, you’ll receive an appointment reminder via email

  • Open the reminder email.  This will open the Telehealth by SimplePractice app and direct you to the online waiting room.  Select, “Join Video Call.” 



What should I do to improve the quality of the call or the connection with my provider?

  • Use a computer or laptop that you connect to the internet with an ethernet cable

  • Close other programs on your device


What’s the best place for me to be during the appointment?

  • A space where you have privacy, won’t be interrupted and can be alone during your appointment

  • Close any doors, turn off other devices in the area: TV’s, radio’s, etc.


Are telehealth sessions recorded? 
